7 June PM
Shangwa female leopard with an impala kill
Selati male lion/Othawa lioness - mating pair
2 Othawa lionesses on patrol
Buffalo bull
Banded mongoose
8 June AM
Tassleberry female leopard with an impala kill
Metsi female leopard up a tree and Maxabeni 3:3 young male leopard below the tree
2 Selati male lions following scent of the mating pair of lions around the lodge, eventually they found the Othawa lioness, the male that was with her moved off as his brothers approached.
One Othawa lioness with a baby buffalo kill
Ximhungwe pride of lions - 3 females and two sub adults (one male, one female) - with th third Othawa lioness, feeding on another buffalo calf that was killed by the two Othawa lionesses before the Ximhungwes turned up. There was little to no aggression shown between the rival females after the initial stealing of the kill and the one Othawa female that remained at the carcass was feeding alongside the Ximhungwe pride quite happily.
Big buffalo herd
Elephant bulls
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